My Tech VA


Signs You Need to Hire a Tech VA

hire a Tech VA

As a business owner, it’s important to spend your time wisely. That means delegating or outsourcing the tasks that take up too much of your time so you can focus on the most important aspects of your business. This is where a Tech VA comes in.

As your business grows it can get more and more difficult to manage everything yourself, yet you may not be ready to hire someone permanently. Employing someone is a big commitment and one that a small business needs to think very carefully about.

A Tech VA works remotely and usually charges and hourly rate so that you can use their skills as and when you need to.

How to Save Time by Hiring a Tech Virtual Assistant

Time is our most important asset and it’s also the thing that a lot of online business owners struggle with most. Here are some ways that virtual assistants can help.

Automate as much as possible

One of the best ways to save time on administrative tasks is to automate as much as possible. There are a number of ways you can do this, depending on what type of business you have. For example, if you have an online store, you can use a platform like Shopify to automate many of the back-end tasks, such as inventory management and shipping. If you have a brick-and-mortar store, you can use a point-of-sale system that automates tasks like sales tracking and reporting. Having a Tech VA to set all the tech stuff up for you and offer ongoing support as required can save you time and money.

Delegate or outsource to a Tech VA

Another way to streamline your business is to delegate or outsource the tech tasks that take up too much of your time so you can focus on the work that aligns with your business goals. Most business owners just don’t have the skills to do everything that is required, and why should they? Setting up a sales page is very different to dealing with the finances.

Outsourcing could include hiring an accountant to handle your finances, hiring a Tech virtual assistant to handle your online business tasks, or hiring a cleaning service to clean your office space.

Get organised and create systems

Finally, one of the best ways to save time on administrative tasks is to get organised and create systems. For example, if you find yourself spending too much time looking for documents or files, create a filing system that will help you find what you need quickly and easily. If you find yourself wasting time with mundane tasks like data entry, create a system that will automate those tasks or hire someone to do them for you. Things like upgrading website plugins or setting up social media accounts will take a Tech VA much less time than it would take for business owners to attempt this themselves. So why would you? Getting an expert in to manage the technical aspects for you will allow you to focus on your own business goals.

Top Tasks a Tech VA Can Manage

A Tech VA should be able to look after a wide range of tasks related to technology, websites, online platforms, social media, ecommerce, and email marketing. Here are some of the ways you can utilise the skills of a Tech VA:

Digital marketing administrative tasks

This includes things like adding blog posts, creating, and scheduling social media posts as well as updating existing website content. Things like form testing and installing cookie policies etc. are also tasks that a Tech virtual assistant can take on for you.

Email marketing

Whether your email marketing is managed from Active campaign, mailchimp or mailerlite (or any other platform you can think of). A Tech virtual assistant can take your content, apply it to your email marketing template and create your newsletters and email communications as well as scheduling and reporting on results.

Social media and community management

As well as creating and scheduling posts across multiple platforms, a Tech VA will be able to manage your online communities within those platforms. For example, if you have a paid Facebook membership, they can ensure only paid up members are allowed into the group. They can keep on top of engagement reports and deal with any posts that are against community guidelines.

A Tech VA can also use a graphics program such as Canva to ensure your posts look great and are in keeping with your brand image and colours.

Sales funnel creation and management

A Tech VA can help you with every step of your sales funnels. From creating your lead magnet, sequencing emails, putting together amazing landing pages through to helping you choose which tech stack to use and how to integrate it all across multiple systems. Whether it’s hosted on your website or across different platforms, your tech savvy VA will be able to manage the whole process for you from end to end.

Website changes

Whether you have an ecommerce website that needs regular product changes or need help making changes to your web pages. Your Tech VA can take all of this off of your hands. In fact, a tech virtual assistant can manage banner changes, plugin upgrades, adding new pages or editing existing ones.

So, if you’re spending too much time on administrative tasks and not enough time on your business, it’s time to make a change. By automating as much as possible, delegating, or outsourcing the tasks that take up too much of your time to a Tech VA, and getting organised and creating systems, you can streamline your business and free up more of your time so you can focus on the most important aspects of your business. Get in touch today!