My Tech VA

Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Tech VA

hiring a Tech VA

Running a small business is time consuming, a Tech VA can free up time by taking on those more techie tasks for you.

There is no getting away from it, owning your own business can be tough, but it doesn’t have to feel like you’re working IN instead of ON your business. You can’t do everything and if you try to, you could end up stressed, unproductive and making stupid mistakes. No one wants a business that isn’t performing at it’s best. That’s where a Tech VA can come in and make a real difference.

Think of your Tech VA as your operations manager, the one that takes away those tasks that you don’t need to be doing. This allows you to focus on the important stuff and not get bogged down trying to create web pages, or email marketing sequences.

Here are our Top 15 Reasons for Working with a Tech VA

1. Time Saving

Probably the most obvious one, but also the most important. You don’t need to be the one that tries for 3 hours to update your homepage banner only to end up with something that doesn’t quite work. A Tech VA can not only do these types of tasks for you, they can do them more quickly (and dare I say it, better) than you can.

2. Increased Efficiency

Bringing in a Tech VA can increase efficiency, not only can they tackle tasks more quickly but they will be able to make recommendations for tools or processes that could help to automate parts of your business.

3. Expert Advice

A good Tech VA won’t simply do the things you ask. They should be able to push back a little, to give advise on the best software to use, the kinds of social media messages to share, or images to use on your website. With experience in marketing and technology they have expertise in these areas, so make sure you use it.

4. Social Media Management

getting help from a Tech VA

Whilst I would never advocate a Tech VA writing all of your posts or ‘pretending’ to be you online, they can definitely help manage social posting and engagement on your behalf. Working together, you can achieve great content that looks good and is shared in a way that will gain the best results for your business.

5. Flexibility

A retained monthly service will always provide the best option for you, but the number of overall hours can fluctuate depending on your needs. For example, if you are creating a new funnel then you might need some additional hours of your Tech VA’s time. Another month, you might want to ease off a little. Most Tech VA’s will have a minimum amount of hours they can work with, but after that it can be pretty flexible.

6. Cost Savings

Because a Tech VA can work more efficiently they can likely save you money. Many businesses have loads of different tools they use, but this can often be streamlined. Or a process that currently takes 4 hours, could be reduced to 2. There are loads of ways in which a Tech VA can help you save costs.

7. Updates and Upgrades

Technology changes all the time and it can be difficult to keep up with the latest tools and trends. A Tech VA will be able to help you navigate these changes and can advise where things may need to be upgraded.

8. Website Maintenance

Having a website isn’t just a case of paying for one to be built and then leaving it to sit there. Most websites will need a certain amount of maintenance, it could be a plugin needs upgrading, or your form needs testing. There are countless small tasks that could be needed to keep your website running as it should, a Tech VA can take care of these tasks on your behalf without the need for a separate developer.

9. The Creative Stuff

Creating social posts in Canva or adding captions to video can be time consuming, a Tech VA can take on these tasks on your behalf, using your branding and content to produce banners, posts, PDF’s, sales pages or pretty much anything else you can think of.

10. Right Hand Person

A Tech VA can also be there to bounce ideas off of, especially if you are a solopreneur. It can be a lonely place and having someone to talk things through with can make all the difference. They will quickly learn the in’s and out’s of your business and as the relationship develops take on more and more tasks as your business grows.

If you want to find out more about our Tech VA Services, why not book in for a discovery call. It’s basically an informal chat, so no hard sales, just a friendly voice to discover if My Tech VA would be a good fit for you. Click here to book a discovery call.