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What is a Sales Funnel and Why do I Need One

sales funnel

Have you ever wondered what a sales funnel is and how it works? In this blog post, we will explain what a sales funnel is and provide tips for creating your own sales funnel.

A sales funnel is a process that takes potential customers and turns them into paying customers. It does this by converting leads into customers by providing them with valuable content and then eventually selling them a product or service. By creating your own sales funnel, you can improve your marketing efforts and increase revenue for your business!

Lead Generation / Audience Building

The first step in creating a sales funnel is to generate leads. There are many ways to generate leads, such as through content marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimization. It’s about building your audience of potential customers and exchanging their information for something of value, this is usually a piece of content called a lead magnet.

Nurturing your leads means providing them with valuable content through your lead magnet. Your lead magnet should be aimed at helping them ultimately make a buying decision, so should start to solve their problem without giving them enough of the detail to do it themselves.

Your lead magnet can be in the form of blog posts, ebooks, webinars, a quiz or even just helpful tips and advice. The idea is than in order for them to access your content, they have to provide you with their contact details.

Nurturing your Audience / Converting

Once you have generated leads and provided them with valuable content, it’s time to start converting them into paying customers. This is done by offering them products or services that will solve their problem.

It’s important to remember that not every lead will be ready to buy from you straight away. That’s why it’s important to continue providing them with valuable content that will help them make a buying decision.

You can do this through email marketing, by sending them helpful tips, advice and reminders of why your product or service is the best solution for their problem. You can also use retargeting ads to reach leads who have visited your website but haven’t made a purchase yet.

The Bottom of the Funnel / Making a Sale

Automating a sales funnel Once you have nurtured your leads and they are ready to buy, it’s time to make a sale! This is done by sending them an offer for your product or service. Your offer should be tailored to their specific needs and address any objections they may have.

Once you have made a sale, it’s important to follow up with your customer and ensure they are happy with their purchase. This is the start of the customer lifecycle and if you provide them with a great experience, they will be more likely to buy from you again in the future!

If you’re looking to improve your marketing efforts and increase sales for your business, then creating a sales funnel is a great place to start! By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can create own sales funnel and start converting leads into paying customers.

Replicating your Sales Funnel

Once you have a success funnel set up, you can use the information and data you have gained from the process to replicate again and again. Many businesses will have several sales funnels in progress at any one time, just make sure your messanging doesn’t get confused, or you audience might do.


The type of technology you use to create and manage your sales funnel is down to personal choice, it could be that you are at the beginning of your business journey and so want to keep costs to a minimum, this is certainly doable but will mean more manual intervention from yourself.

If you have budget available then there are lots of different software platforms available that will fully automate the process and make it easy to manage each step seamlessly and easily.

How a Virtual Assistant can Help

A virtual assistant who specialises in tech support can set up and manage your funnel for you. They should understand the whole process so that you can focus on creating the content and emails whilst they manage the tech.

You can also outsource the creation of your lead magnet to a virtual assistant, freeing up even more of your time to focus on other areas of your business!

Not every business owner is comfortable using the tools and platforms needed to automate the lead generation process, so why struggle through trying to work it out, when you can hand it over to someone who can do the work for you. This saves you time and money, think of the opportunity cost of spending 4 hours creating something that a Virtual Assistant could complete in just 1.

Contact us today to discuss your sales funnel requirements!