My Tech VA

What Makes My Tech VA Different?

overworked business owner needing VA

A Tech VA can help give you back valuable time to focus on your business while the Tech tasks are taken care of by your virtual assistant. If any of the following sound familiar, hiring a Tech VA might be right for you:

  • You want to improve your website but don’t know how to do.
  • You are a business owner run ragged, working far too many hours instead of spending precious time with family.
  • You don’t have enough work to employ someone but you really need help with tech stuff, things like, adding blogs, updating your sales funnels, changing your website banner, adding a sales page, social posting…
  • Anytime you have to do anything techie, you come out in a cold sweat, knowing it will take you hours to do, and you will hate every minute.

If this sounds like you, then failing to take action could be damaging your business and potentially your health.

Taking Action Now

where to start with a VAIf you are anything like me, one of the reasons you started your own business was to enjoy more freedom and manage your own time. Being about to choose your working hours, go to your son’s school play, or visit the dentist without having to negotiate the time off with your boss, these are all things that us business owners can strive to achieve.

But if you find yourself working all the hours, missing out on family time or turning down an invite to your friends birthday day out, then you could be in danger of burning out. Most business owners are told that they have to hustle and grind, go without sleep and do nothing but work to build a successful business. But that isn’t true or realistic for most people.

It can be hard as a business owner to let go, but let’s face it. You can’t do it all yourself, nor should you want to. Your role is in looking after your business, let someone else do all the tech stuff and digital marketing tasks. You have far more important things to do!

I’m not saying you should sign up with us straight away (although here’s a cheeky link if you want to dive right in ) but do please think about getting some help and outsourcing what you can, it can be a game changer. I know, i’ve done it myself and the first time it was really scary. But you know what, no one died, the jobs got done better than I could ever do them, and I got to focus my attention on money creating tasks making my life easier and my business more successful.

What are the Different Types of VA?

Virtual assistants are becoming an increasingly popular resource for many businesses and individuals. There are different types of virtual assistant, each with their own set of skills and specialisations and getting the right person that fits in with your needs is important. Here’s a brief overview of the different types of virtual assistant and what they do:

One type of virtual assistant is the generalist VA, who can provide a variety of services such as social media and email management, bookkeeping, calendar management, and more. Because they have a general skill set and tend to be more affordable than other types of virtual assistants, they are a great option for start-ups or small businesses on a tight budget.

Another type of virtual assistant is the specialised VA. While generalists are able to provide a range of services, specialists typically focus on only one area or niche. For example, a virtual assistant who specialises in marketing would be skilled in digital marketing strategies like SEO and PPC advertising. Similarly, an administrative VA might specialise in medical transcription or legal research and case management.

A Tech Virtual Assistant is tech savvy and can usually work with a variety of different technologies, they might fix broken links on your website, upgrade your version on WordPress for you or take on more administrative tasks such as form testing or sitemap submission.

Choosing the right type of virtual assistant for your needs depends largely on what you need help with and your budget. A generalist VA won’t be able to help with highly specialised tasks, while a specialist may not have the skills or experience to manage less technical aspects of your business.

If you’re looking for professional virtual assistants who are experienced and capable of handling various types of tasks like My Tech VA. With this option, you’ll have access to a team of skilled professionals who can work together to tackle all of your administrative needs. Whatever type of virtual assistant you choose, it’s important to find someone who is reliable and trustworthy so that you can always count on them for support!

So, What Makes My Tech VA Different?

My Tech VA TeamMany people are familiar with the term “VA”, but don’t really know what it stands for or what it means. As mentioned above, a VA, or Virtual Assistant, is a person who provides administrative, creative, or technical support to clients remotely. In other words, they are contractors who work online from home (or any other location) to help with things like adding pages to your website, managing social media accounts, editing blog posts, and more. My Tech VA can do all the admin tasks you would normally expect for your online business presence, but they also have the expertise to take on more technical tasks, these could be things like:

  • Looking after your CRM or course hosting platform for you (things like kartra, kajabi etc.)
  • Creating and scheduling social media posts
  • Managing your email marketing campaigns
  • Adding and editing pages on your website
  • Helping you move hosting providers
  • Writing product descriptions for your e-commerce website
  • Adding additional functionality to your website e.g. adding a form, integrating with a payment gateway
  • Setting up social media accounts

The list goes on and on, but the point is that My Tech VA can handle all of these and much much more. Whatever online platform, tools, website language you use, we can help. With over 15 years in the online world, we’ve worked with a vast array of tech.

Why Hire My Tech VA?

save time tech VAThe beauty of hiring a Tech VA is that you can find someone who specialises in the specific task or tasks you need help with, and you don’t have to worry about providing them with office space or other traditional employee benefits. Some clients of ours never move to employing someone, mainly because with My Tech VA, you get access to a whole team of people that have a really wide reaching range of skills. So, whether you need a creative mind, technical mind or something in between, then we have that person ready and waiting to help.

One of the difficult things about employing one person or hiring one person to do all of the tasks you need, is that it’s almost impossible for one person to be able to do it all really well. For example, you wouldn’t ask an accountant to create your logo. It’s the same with Tech and Digital Marketing. I wouldn’t expect my best coder to be able to write engaging SEO content, the two things are completely different types of tasks and need completely different skills.

That’s why working with My Tech VA is different, we can offer all of those skills, so you don’t have to outsource to multiple VA services. Our client still retains one point of contact to manage their tasks effectively, but they also get access to a much wider range of expertise. It makes the whole thing more affordable and easier to manage.

So, if you’re looking for a way to free up some time in your busy schedule, consider hiring that additional help through My Tech VA. If you are interested in finding out more get in touch today to book in a discovery call to discuss your requirements in a little more detail.